Fort Selden Troops – Surnames Mackin – Murray

Fort Selden was established in 1865 in an effort to bring peace among the varied inhabitants in the south central region of present day New Mexico. Their primary intent was to protect settlers and travelers in the Mesilla Valley from desperados and Mescalero Apache Indians. Built near the banks of the Rio Grande, the adobe fort housed units of U.S. Army Infantry and Cavalry.

The first troops to occupy the fort were companies of the 125th US Colored Infantry Regiment, a group of African-American enlisted soldiers from Kentucky who had been mustered into the Union Army near the close of the American Civil War. Several of the units assigned later, including the 9th US Cavalry and 10th US Cavalry, and stationed at the fort were also composed of black troopers, sometimes referred to as Buffalo Soldiers. As a testament to their bravery, nine Buffalo Soldiers received the Medal of Honor while serving in New Mexico Territory.

Surnames Mackin – Murray

Mackin          James          Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Mackin          Thomas         Pvt.            15th INF
MacArthur       Arthur Jr.     Cpt     K       13th INF
MacGregor       ns             Pvt.    K       8th CAV
Madden          James          Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Madden          John           Sgt     K       3rd CAV
Magher          ns             Pvt.    K       8th CAV
Mahar           Charles        Cpl     D       10th INF
Mahon           James          Pvt.            15th INF
Maier           Charles        Pvt.            15th INF
Maitland        Thomas         Pvt.    E       24th INF
Maize           Adam           Sgt     K       3rd CAV
Majors          Frank          Pvt.    E       15th INF
Maker           James          Pvt.    F       3rd CAV
Makeson         John                   D       13th INF
Malone          ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Malone          Patrick        Sgt     K       15th INF
Maloney         William        Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Malott          Simon N.       Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Manning         ns             Pvt.    K       8th CAV
Manrandt        ns             Sgt     C       8th CAV
Manson          Simeon         Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Maplebush       John           Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Mark            ns             Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Marriott        ns             Pvt.    K       8th CAV
Marriott        Thomas         Sgt     K       13th INF
Marshall        Charles L.     Pvt.    B       13th INF
Marshall        William A.     Pvt.    K       13th INF
Martin          George         Pvt.    K       38th INF
Martin          James H.       Pvt.    B       13th INF
Martin          Jose           Pvt.    A       1 NM INF
Martin          William H.     Pvt.    F       24th INF
Martinaro       ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Martins         James N.       Pvt.    K       38th INF
Mason           Henry          Pvt.    A       24th INF
Mason           Lawrence       Pvt.    K       38th INF
Mason           Patrick        Sgt     D       24th INF
Mason           William        Pvt.    D       24th INF
Mason           William        Sgt
Massengale      ns             Pvt.            38th INF
Masters         William E.     Pvt.    K       15th INF
Mathews         L.             Pvt.            38th INF
Mathews         Thomas         Pvt.    D       13th INF
Matthews        Charles                A       24th INF
Matthews        Thomas W.      Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Maybury         Albert         Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Mayfield        Chester W.     Pvt.    F       24th INF
Mays            Hilliard       Pvt.    H       24th INF
McArdle         Joseph         Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
McAuly          Robert         Pvt.    C       8th CAV
McBarron        ns             Pvt.    I       8th CAV
McBlain         John F.        2Lt     M       9th CAV
McCabe          Michael        Sgt             15th INF
McCadden        William        Pvt.    C       8th CAV
McCaffery       ns             Sgt     K       8th CAV
McCann          James          Pvt.    C       8th CAV
McCanon         ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
McCarthy        Charles        Pvt.    G       8th CAV
McCarthy        James          Pvt.    D       10th INF
McCarthy        John           Pvt.    I       8th CAV
McCarthy        John D.        Cpl     K       3rd CAV
McCarthy        Richard        Pvt.            15th INF
McCarthy        Timothy        Pvt.    K       13th INF
McClean         James          Pvt.    G       8th CAV
McCluskey       Patrick        Pvt.    C       15th INF
McCombie        Marshall       Pvt.    G       8th CAV
McCook          Benjamin       Pvt.            15th INF
McCormick       Patrick        Sgt     D       10th INF
McCormick       Thomas         Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
McCosker        John           Pvt.            15th INF
McCoy           Joseph         Pvt.            15th INF
McCrachen       John           Pvt.            15th INF
McCue           Thomas         Pvt.    G       8th CAV
McCurdy         Mack           Pvt.    F       24th INF
McDonald        A.             Pvt.    F       9th CAV
McDonald        John           Pvt.    G       8th CAV
McDonald        William        Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
McDonnaugh      J.             Pvt.            15th INF
McEwan          Walter         Pvt.    H       3rd CAV
McFague         Arthur         Pvt.    B       13th INF
McFlorin        ns             Pvt.    I       8th CAV
McFugue         Albert         Pvt.    B       13th INF
McGadden        William        Pvt.    C       8th CAV
McGanily        ns             Pvt.    C       8th CAV
McGann          Nicholas       Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
McGaughey       Jesse T.       Pvt.    K       13th INF
McGee           Crawford       Pvt.    K       38th INF
McGilly         Joseph         Pvt.            15th INF
McGlon          ns             Pvt.    I       8th CAV
McGovern        James          Pvt.    G       8th CAV
McGuen          ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
McHanley        ns             Pvt.    C       8th CAV
McHugh          Patrick P.     Pvt.    I       8th CAV
McKenna         Frank          Pvt.    I       8th CAV
McKenzie        L.V.           Pvt.            15th INF
McKibbin        Chambers       Cpt             15th INF
McKinney        ns             Pvt.    I       8th CAV
McKinney        Madison        Pvt.    A       125 INF
McKnight        James          Pvt.    C       8th CAV
McLendon        ns             Pvt.            38th INF
McMahan         Patrick        Pvt.    C       15th INF
McMannis        James          Pvt.    K       38th INF
McMillan        L. B.          Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
McNally         Joseph         Pvt.            15th INF
McNeal          James          Pvt.    C       8th CAV
McNeil          James          Pvt.    C       8th CAV
McNight         James          Pvt.    G       8th CAV
McRearyan       S.             Pvt.            15th INF
Meddeson        George         Pvt.    C       15th INF
Melbourne       Henry B.       Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Menefee         John A.        Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Meranda         Alfred         Pvt.            15th INF
Merrill         Alfred         Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Mexchel         Alexander      Pvt.    K       13th INF
Meyer           Ernest         Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Meyers          Samuel         Pvt.    F       9th CAV
Miller          Adolf          Pvt.    D       10th INF
Miller          Bing W.        Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Miller          Charles        Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Miller          Fred           Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Miller          Jacob          Cpl     F       15th INF
Miller          John           Pvt.            15th INF
Miller          N.             Pvt.            38th INF
Miller          Peter          Cpl     K       3rd CAV
Miller          Wilbur F.      Pvt.            15th INF
Miller          William        Pvt.            15th INF
Miller          William        Pvt.    D       24th INF
Mills           ns             Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Minihane        Timothy        Pvt.    B       13th INF
Minsen          William        Sgt
Mitchell        David D.       2Lt     K       15th INF
Mitchell        F.             Pvt.    M       9th CAV
Mitchell        J.             Pvt.            38th INF
Mitchell        Jacob          Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Mitchell        John           Pvt.            15th INF
Mith            ns             Sgt     G       8th CAV
Molen           James          Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Monahan         Michael        Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Monis           P.             Pvt.            38th INF
Monroe          Theodore       Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Montague        Allen          Pvt.    D       10th INF
Montoya         ns             Pvt.    C       1 NM INF
Montrose        Alex           Pvt.    A       15th INF
Moore           Edward         Pvt.    D       13th INF
Moore           J.             Pvt.    F       9th CAV
Moore           Robert L.      Pvt.    A       24th INF
Moore           William        Pvt.    C       1 CA INF
Moose           Joseph         Pvt.    G       15th INF
Moran           John           Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Moran           Timothy        Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Morgan          James N.       Maj     K       38th INF
Morgan          Patrick        Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Moriarity       Frank          Pvt.    B       13th INF
Morrill         ns             Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Morris          James          Pvt.    B       13th INF
Morris          James          Pvt.            15th INF
Morris          James L.       Sgt     C       8th CAV
Morris          John           Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Morris          Thomas         Pvt.    D       24th INF
Morrison        Frank          Pvt.    K       13th INF
Morton          Frank          Pvt.    D       10th INF
Morton          Frank          Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Morton          James          Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Mosby           Thomas         Sgt     K       3rd CAV
Mosforth        ns             Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Moya            Jesus          Pvt.    I       1 NM INF
Mugon           Edson J.       Pvt.    D       13th INF
Muko            William        Pvt.    K       38th INF
Mulcahy         William        Pvt.    B       13th INF
Mullen          Fidelous P.    Pvt.    D       13th INF
Mullen          John           Pvt.    K       13th INF
Muller          Julius         Cpl     K       13th INF
Muller          Martin         Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Muller          Otto           Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Mumara          Ed             Pvt.    D       15th INF
Murphey         Jeremiah       Cpl     D       13th INF
Murphey         John           Pvt.    B       13th INF
Murphey         Michael J.     Sgt     D       13th INF
Murphy          John           Sgt     K       3rd CAV
Murphy          Patrick        Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Murphy          Thomas         Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Murray          Jackson        Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Murray          James          Pvt.    H       3rd CAV
Murray          John           Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Murray          Timothy        Sgt     B       13th INF

Source: Southern New Mexico Genealogical Society, Marcena Thompson, and Charles Barnum.

Fort Selden, New Mexico Troops, 1865-1891.



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