New Mexico African American Resources

The New Mexico African American Project is a contribution of Charles Barnum and others.  Mr Barnum is prolific in his New Mexico resources and you will find more of his work on our site.

Ancestry Records

African American Photo Collection
Browse thousands of photos of African Americans throughout history — inspiring images of ancestors who had families, fought wars, broke down barriers and helped create a better, more diverse America.

African American Family History Books Online
Read about the lives of African American slaves who worked on plantations, discover the regiment histories of U.S. Colored Troops and much more in this collection of diaries, biographies and stories.

Freedman’s Bank Records
From 1865 to 1874, the Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company served thousands of newly freed slaves. Freedman’s Bank Records contain names, ages, parents’ names and more.

Freedmen’s Bureau Records
The Freedmen’s Bureau was formed after the Civil War to aid in Reconstruction efforts. See records of former slaves the bureau helped find work, establish schools, negotiate contracts, find medical care, legalize marriages and more.

Freedmen’s Bureau Marriage Records
From 1865 to 1868, thousands of former slaves from 17 Southern states had their plantation marriages “legalized.” Records of these marriages can be helpful in finding African American family members before and after the Civil War.

Slave Narratives
This collection contains more than 20,000 pages of type-scripted interviews with more than 3,500 former slaves — providing a poignant picture of slave life and the African American plantation experience.

Southern Claims Commission Records
More than 22,000 claims were made between 1871 and 1873 by southern loyalists seeking compensation for property seized by the Union Army. These records hold details about former slaves called to testify on behalf of former masters.

U.S. Colored Troops Records
Some 178,000 African Americans served in segregated U.S. Colored Troop units during the Civil War. These service records can tell you where they lived, where they served, if they were wounded in battle and more.

World War I Draft Cards
Find names, addresses, dates and places of birth, a closest relative and possibly even a physical description for almost 2 million African American men (ages 18-45) who registered for the WWI draft in 1917 and 1918.



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