Fort Selden Troops – Surnames Kaemen – Kurtz

Fort Selden was established in 1865 in an effort to bring peace among the varied inhabitants in the south central region of present day New Mexico. Their primary intent was to protect settlers and travelers in the Mesilla Valley from desperados and Mescalero Apache Indians. Built near the banks of the Rio Grande, the adobe fort housed units of U.S. Army Infantry and Cavalry.

The first troops to occupy the fort were companies of the 125th US Colored Infantry Regiment, a group of African-American enlisted soldiers from Kentucky who had been mustered into the Union Army near the close of the American Civil War. Several of the units assigned later, including the 9th US Cavalry and 10th US Cavalry, and stationed at the fort were also composed of black troopers, sometimes referred to as Buffalo Soldiers. As a testament to their bravery, nine Buffalo Soldiers received the Medal of Honor while serving in New Mexico Territory.

Surnames Kaemen – Kurtz

Kaemen          Charles        Pvt.            15th INF
Kane            ns             Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Kanesky         Frank          Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kanff           Thomas         Pvt.    D       10th INF
Kauffer         Louis          Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Kaufman         Frank          Pvt.    B       13th INF
Kautner         Martin L.      Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Kearnes         John           Pvt.    K       15th INF
Kearney         Thomas                 M       9th CAV
Kearns          Daniel         Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kearns          Michael        Pvt.    K       13th INF
Keaton          S.             Pvt.    M       9th CAV
Keefe           Andrew         Sgt.            15th INF
Keefe           W.             2Lt             15th INF
Keeler          Lewis          Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Keenan          ns             Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Keenan          Charles        Pvt.    F       15th INF
Keith           ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Keith           S.             Pvt.            38th INF
Keller          ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Keller          John           Pvt.    G       15th INF
Kellis          Peter          Pvt.    K       38th INF
Kellis          Samuel         Pvt.    K       38th INF
Kellogg         Frank          Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Kelly           ns             Pvt.    I       1 NM INF
Kelly           Dennis         Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Kelly           Frank E.       Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kelly           James E.       Pvt.    K       38th INF
Kelly           John           Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Kelly           John L.        Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Kelly           Joseph         Pvt.    G       15th INF
Kelly           Michael        Pvt.    K       13th INF
Kelly           R.             Pvt.    G       15th INF
Kelly           William        Cpt     C       8th CAV
Kennedy         James          Pvt.            15th INF
Kennedy         James          Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kennedy         John           Pvt.            15th INF
Kenney          Edward J.      Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kensley         John           Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kenzewdorff     William        Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Keomiss         ns             Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Kessler         Lewis P.       Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kestler         ns             Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Khubahn         ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kibby           Wesley         Pvt.    F       24th INF
Kiddie          Andrew         Pvt.    K       13th INF
Kieff           ns             Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Kilroy          John           Pvt.    B       13th INF
Kimloy          ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
King            ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
King            George         Pvt.            15th INF
King            John           Pvt.    K       13th INF
King            John F.        Pvt.            15th INF
King            William P.     Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Kingsley        James H.       Pvt.    K       13th INF
Kinnen          Charles        Pvt.            15th INF
Kinney          ns             Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Kinney          John           Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Kinsley         ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kissly          ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Klabuhn         ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Klagneiere      Harry          Pvt.            15th INF
Klaus           ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Klaus           Moses          Pvt.    C       8th CAV
Kline           Joseph         Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Klosforth       ns             Pvt.    I       8th CAV
Klotzer         Max            Pvt.    K       13th INF
Klubaker        Frank          Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kneil           ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Knight          Stephen        Pvt.    F       15th INF
Knoff           Franz          Pvt.    K       13th INF
Knox            James          Pvt.    D       10th INF
Koche           Ferdenick E.   Pvt.    K       15th INF
Koenig          John           Pvt.            15th INF
Korsey          ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kralsey         O.             Cpl     H       15th INF
Krause          ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kreba           John           Pvt.            15th INF
Kroche          Fred K.        Pvt.    K       15th INF
Krosen          J. C.          2Lt     A       125 INF
Krug            ns             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kruse           Ernest W.      Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kugler          William        Pvt.    D       13th INF
Kunzendorff     M.             Pvt.    G       8th CAV
Kurley          Michael        Cpl             15th INF
Kurtz           John           Pvt.    K       3rd CAV
Lacy            John H.

Source: Southern New Mexico Genealogical Society, Marcena Thompson, and Charles Barnum.

Fort Selden, New Mexico Troops, 1865-1891.