Fort Selden was established in 1865 in an effort to bring peace among the varied inhabitants in the south central region of present day New Mexico. Their primary intent was to protect settlers and travelers in the Mesilla Valley from desperados and Mescalero Apache Indians. Built near the banks of the Rio Grande, the adobe fort housed units of U.S. Army Infantry and Cavalry.
The first troops to occupy the fort were companies of the 125th US Colored Infantry Regiment, a group of African-American enlisted soldiers from Kentucky who had been mustered into the Union Army near the close of the American Civil War. Several of the units assigned later, including the 9th US Cavalry and 10th US Cavalry, and stationed at the fort were also composed of black troopers, sometimes referred to as Buffalo Soldiers. As a testament to their bravery, nine Buffalo Soldiers received the Medal of Honor while serving in New Mexico Territory.
Surnames Hackeny – Hynes
Hackeny ns 38th INF Hackey Jamie Pvt. K 3rd CAV Hagden Thomas Pvt. K 3rd CAV Hager Augustus A. Pvt. K 3rd CAV Hale Charles Sgt K 13th INF Hale George L. Pvt. K 3rd CAV Hale John L. Pvt. K 3rd CAV Haley ns Pvt. K 8th CAV Haley Frank E. Pvt. K 13th INF Halfpenny James Sgt 15th INF Hall ns Pvt. K 8th CAV Hall Charles Pvt. K 13th INF Hall Henry Pvt. C 8th CAV Hall John T. Pvt. D 24th INF Hall Wesley Pvt. F 9th CAV Hall Willis Pvt. D 13th INF Hally William Pvt. D 13th INF Halstead Rinaldo Pvt. F 15th INF Hamden ns Cpl I 8th CAV Hamill James Pvt. C 8th CAV Hamilton George Pvt. E 24th INF Hammond Lewis F. K 3rd CAV Hams Charles Pvt. A 24th INF Hanley Thomas Pvt. D 10th INF Hansdegan Victor Pvt. K 3rd CAV Hanson E. Sgt M 9th CAV Hardin ns Sgt I 8th CAV Harding Joseph Pvt. K 15th INF Hardig Mosher Pvt. G 8th CAV Hardy ns Pvt. I 8th CAV Hardy ns Pvt. C 8th CAV Hargrove Abram 2Lt D 1 CA INF Harper Nicholas Sgt Harrington John Pvt. B 13th INF Harrington John S. Pvt. C 8th CAV Harris William W. Pvt. F 9th CAV Harrison Henry Pvt. D 24th INF Harrold Joseph Pvt. H 3rd CAV Hart William Sgt K 3rd CAV Hartcog Benjamin Pvt. K 3rd CAV Hartherman Andrew Pvt. 15th INF Hartz Wilson F. Cpt K 15th INF Harvey Henry Pvt. D 13th INF Hasfelt Valentine Pvt. 15th INF Hathaway Jeremiah Pvt. 15th INF Hayden Thomas Pvt. K 3rd CAV Hayes Charles C 8th CAV Hayes Hilary T. Pvt. K 38th INF Hayes John Pvt. B 13th INf Haywood Richard Pvt. A 24th INF Hazelhurst Fred 1Lt 125 INF Hazen William B. K 38th INF He( )ff John L. Pvt. C 8th CAV Heally W. Pvt. 38th INF Hearn Henry Pvt. K 13th INF Heinrichs Lewis A. Pvt. C 8th CAV Helmer ns Pvt. C 8th CAV Helmer Joseph 2Lt I 1 NM INF Henderson Crawford Pvt. D 10th INF Henderson George Pvt. F 24th INF Henderson James F. Pvt. Hennie ns Pvt. C 8th CAV Henry James Cpl K 38th INF Henry Philip Pvt. C 8th CAV Henson Edward Sgt M 9th CAV Henther Jacob Sgt B 13th INF Herber Florenco Pvt. I 8th CAV Herman William Pvt. D 24th INF Hassel Charles Pvt. H 3rd CAV Hewatt Alonzo Pvt. B 13th INF Hicks George Pvt. K 38th INF Hicks L. Pvt. 38th INF Hienman John P. Pvt. G 8th CAV Higgins Charles Pvt. A 15th INF Higgins John Sgt 15th INF Higgins Leonard K. Pvt. C 8th CAV Hill ns Pvt. C 8th CAV Hill Benjamin J. Sgt G 8th CAV Hill Harry M 9th CAV Hilmes Charles F. Pvt. C 8th CAV Himverford ns Pvt. C 8th CAV Hiniman ns Pvt. G 8th CAV Hipple James E. Pvt. K 3rd CAV Hirff ns Pvt. C 8th CAV Hirsch George Pvt. 15th INF Hirt John K 3rd CAV Hist John K 3rd CAV Hobbs Walter Pvt. 3rd CAV Hobson John Pvt. D 24th INF Hodge ns Pvt. K 8th CAV Hodges B. M 9th CAV Hoffman Samuel Pvt. A 24th INF Hogan William Pvt. B 13th INF Holden David Cpl A 24th INF Holdridge Edgar Pvt. K 13th INF Holliman Thomas Pvt. K 38th INF Holman Richard J. Pvt. K 13th INF Holme Charles F. Pvt. C 8th CAV Holmes Samuel N. 1Lt B 13th INF Hope Samuel Pvt. C 8th CAV Hopkins Patrick J. Pvt. B 13th INF Horn Henry Pvt. K 13th INF Horn Joseph Sgt I 8th CAV Hornby Robert Pvt. K 3rd CAV Horston William T. Pvt. 15th INF Hosfert V. Pvt. G 15th INF Hottyhausen ns Pvt. C 1 CA CAV Hough G. Pvt. 38th INF Houlihan Eugene Pvt. D 10th INF Houser ns K 3rd CAV Houston John K. 2Lt H 1 CA INF Hovey H. W. 1Lt A 24th INF Howard Henry Pvt. I 8th CAV Howard William Pvt. I 8th CAV Howe William S. Pvt. d 10th INF Hoyer John G. Pvt. K 15th INF Hubbard ns Pvt. G 8th CAV Hudson Fred O. Pvt. D 10th INF Hudson Peter Pvt. 15th INF Huesslin James Pvt. D 13th INF Hughes Patrick F. Pvt. C 8th CAV Hughes Terence Cpl B 13th INF Hughes William N. 2Lt K 13th INF Hugland Carl A. Pvt. K 13th INF Hugo Alfred Pvt. E 15th INF Hull J. Sgt E 1 CA INF Hulum ns Pvt. I 8th CAV Hungerford William Pvt. C 8th CAV Hunt Moses B 13th INF Hunt Thomas B 13th INF Hunter John Pvt. C 8th CAV Huntington D. L. Cpt Hurley Henry S. Pvt. F 9th CAV Hurley John Pvt. D 13th INF Hurst Andrew Pvt. K 38th INF Hynes Charles Sgt I 1 NM INF
Source: Southern New Mexico Genealogical Society, Marcena Thompson, and Charles Barnum.
Fort Selden, New Mexico Troops, 1865-1891.